Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Our Policy on Modern slavery

This statement sets out the steps that CHH is taking to improve our practices to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our recruitment and supply chains.

Modern slavery is a serious crime, encompassing slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. We are opposed to all forms of modern slavery.

We have developed a zero tolerance for modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and across our services. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that our clients and staff are safe

We expect everyone receiving and providing support, to know how to recognise modern slavery and understand how to report it. All cases of suspected modern slavery will be investigated and where required, reported to the police, embassy services and other supporting organisations.

Policies that relate to modern slavery

Recruitment Policy: our staff and other organisations we work with (volunteers, employees and contractors) are selected in accordance with our Recruitment Policy. They are managed in line with our HR policies, processes and good practice guidance, to ensure our people are treated fairly and with dignity. 

Good Governance policy and Procedure: we maintain a Whistleblowing standard in line with our policy to enable our people to raise concerns related to modern slavery and other matters. We expect our staff to use our whistleblowing channel to report any instances of modern slavery they may encounter.

Safeguarding Lead

At CHH we have our safeguarding lead who is trained to level 4 and will be able to support with any concerns with modern slavery and general safeguarding issues.

Please use the contact form below to make a report.

If you have any concerns contact our Safeguarding Lead